Improve your Swedish at our workshops! Take one or all, book only the sessions that suit you and get better at Swedish fast.
Our workshops are designed to teach you lots, whether you come to one or come to all. Here is the schedule for January and February 2020: Daytime workshops Beginners (A level): 9:00 - 10:30 and Intermediate (B and C level): 11:00 - 12:30 21st Jan - Word order and the education system 28th Jan - Verbs and Swedish community 4th Feb - Practice your speaking! 11th Feb - Word formation and a bit about politics 18th Feb - Adjectives and describing things
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Learn how to join in and start conversations in Swedish, from basic greetings and questions to more complex topics. Click here to book.
Level A: During this workshop, we will have the opportunity to become familiar with frequently used vocabulary and phrases as part of conversations that we encounter on a daily basis in writing, on the phone, and in face-to-face meetings. In terms of pronunciation, we pay extra attention to consonants. We also look at how certain word structures are related and how to use phrases and questions to develop the interaction. This workshop will be held mostly in Swedish with some support in English. Level B: Under denna workshop går vi in på några skillnader mellan tal- och skriftspråk. Det handlar om hur vi kommunicerar i sms, email och på telefon, vilket kommer att studeras närmare genom diverse scenarier. Vilka olika typer av samtal möter vi och hur kan vi utveckla dessa? Vi ser lite närmare på ordbildning och vidareutvecklar ordförrådet genom att ta upp synonymer till några vanliga verb. Gällande uttalet står ett antal svenska konsonanter i fokus. Denna workshop kommer till största del att hållas på svenska. Level C: Under denna workshop kommer vi att gå in på olika sorters samtal som vi kan möta under en dag i Sverige. Vilka ljud, ord och fraser kan vi använda för att få en dialog att kännas (ännu) mer levande? Vi tar även upp några skillnader mellan tal- och skriftspråk och ser på ett antal exempel gällande språkets användning i ett informellt respektive ett formellt sammanhang utifrån diverse tänkbara scenarier. Ett visst fokus kommer att läggas på de svenska hjälpverben. Denna workshop kommer att hållas på svenska. Click here to book. Emma has a teaching degree in Swedish language from the University of Umeå and 10+ years experience teaching Swedish. She has taught Swedish in Germany, Sweden, and the United States to individuals and groups comprised of a wide range of ages, abilities, and life experiences. She has even taught high-school kids so can manage a classroom full! Having been an expat in the US and Germany, Emma has first-hand knowledge about language-learning and cultural needs of foreign professionals. "For each and every student I have encountered, my mission has been to first meet them where they are at and then encourage and challenge them to reach higher by paying careful attention to their language objectives, expectations, and individual learning preferences." Emma's workshops here at New in Sweden are all about one specific topic so that each one gives as much language learning as possible. As well as being about a topic such as food or travel, each workshop will have some grammar focus areas to help us get to grips with it too. "As a teacher, I use a variety of language exercises in the target language to develop production, reception, and interaction strategies. I provide feedback during lessons and remain available for questions after the workshops. Repetition is the key until a skill is internalized. Then, it is time for us to move forward on a clear path to the next objective." You can also book individual lessons with Emma. Please use the chat function to get in touch to find out more. "Depending on the student’s background and proficiency level, I create individualized lesson plans to help the student achieve their goals, whether it is about basic survival communication (elementary proficiency) or reading between the lines (advanced professional proficiency)." Emma's next workshop with us is All About Conversations which will be held on Tuesday 15th October 2019 in Danderyd, north side of Stockholm. It, like all our language workshops, will be held at three separate levels to help you get the most out of them. During this workshop, we will become familiar with frequently used vocabulary and phrases as part of conversations that we encounter on a daily basis in writing, on the phone and in face-to-face meetings. In terms of pronunciation, we pay extra attention to consonants. We also look at how certain word structures are related and how to use phrases and questions to develop the interaction. At the more advanced levels, we will look at sending texts in Sweden and how to differentiate between formal and informal language - especially important for work situations! Find out more and book the next two workshops below: Word order and the Swedish education system - Swedish language workshop
SEK 360.00
21st January 2020 Learn how to get your words in the right order while getting to grips with how education operates in Sweden. Verbs and Swedish community - Swedish language workshop
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28th January 2020 Learn how to use verbs and a bit about community life in Sweden. Practice your speaking! - Swedish language workshop
SEK 360.00
4th February 2020 Spend this workshop speaking and speaking, getting a lot of practice and improving both what you say and how you say it. This is a great workshop for improving your confidence in using Swedish when talking with Swedes. Word formation and a bit about politics - Swedish language workshop
SEK 360.00
11th February 2020 Understand how to form your words while getting an idea of the basics of Swedish politics in this workshop. Adjectives and describing things - Swedish language workshop
SEK 360.00
18th February 2020 Learn how to use adjectives to help you describe things and explain events. We are running language, culture and professional career advice workshops in October at our offices in Danderyd, north side of Stockholm. Dates and subjects of the workshops are almost ready.
Would you like to get all the info about them? Please click here to fill in a short form and we'll be in touch in the next few days with all the details. Nursery school places are sometimes hard to come by in the Danderyd area but, after a few families have moved on to other countries, the wonderful English-speaking Lilla Montessori has space for this autumn. It is a tiny nursery school and wonderful in many ways (we know from personal experience!). Here is the info: Lilla Montessori Djursholm International Preschool
We are a small private nursery and preschool for one to five year olds that caters for families who appreciate the benefits of a small group. We offer a homely and peaceful setting, experienced staff and a Montessori influenced English speaking environment. Our premises are on Danavägen 3 only a few minutes from Djursholm Center. For more information please call 0708-52 55 55. International 0046-708 52 55 55. Email: [email protected] |
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Interesting bits and pieces about life in Sweden, including all-important song words. Categories
January 2021